Lyme Disease - Why It Causes Weight Gain That Is So Difficult To Get Rid Of

Despite dealing with the typical symptoms of Lyme disease, many of my clients mark stubborn weight gain or an inability to lose weight as their primary concern. With Lyme disease, body weight can fluctuate significantly and in most cases, a significant weight gain is observed with the onset of Lyme disease - without any change in caloric intake or exercise routine.

There are several reasons that cause weight gain and weight loss resistance in Lyme disease:

  • The infection with the Borrelia Burgdorferi and/or Borrelia Mayonii bacterium affects a person’s metabolism as a result of the immune system flaring up. The body is focused entirely on fighting the infection, which may result in a temporary lowered metabolism. Once the infection is resolved and the inflammation in the body is lowered, the body is able to return to homeostasis and release the weight!

  • Lyme never comes alone. In fact, ticks may spread more than 200 different types of harmful bacteria and many types of viruses. Current research estimates that more than 50% of those with chronic Lyme disease have at least one co-infection, while 30% of the infected people have at least two co-infections. Further, Chronic Lyme Disease lowers your immune system to a point, where it allows other infections like mold toxicity, heavy metal toxicity, GI-Infections, etc. to reignite or manifest. More infections equal a higher toxic body burden, which in turn leads to chronic inflammation and weight gain.

  • Biotoxins from Lyme disease produce inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines bind to the leptin receptors in the hypothalamus. Leptin, the so-called “obesity or satiety” hormone is produced in our fat cells and is supposed to inhibit hunger and regulate energy balance. When the leptin receptors function properly, the body does not trigger hunger responses when there is no need for energy. But when these leptin receptors are damaged by a high cytokine storm from Lyme disease, our fat cells attempt to compensate by producing more leptin which leads to weight gain that is in-responsive to diet or exercise.

  • Lyme loves to hide out in the lymph: the lymphatic system - a vital part of the immune system - is comprised of lymph nodes, glands, and vessels, which gather waste and interstitial fluid. The lymphatic system also transports white blood cells into the bones and transports fatty acids. Because the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like the circulatory system does with the heart, it relies on movement, muscles, and joints to keep it flowing. Sluggish or clogged lymph causes the cells to be poisoned from their own waste and the lymph fluid becomes a toxic cesspool. The accumulation of toxins are being stored in fat as a protective mechanism. This toxic fat will only be released by the process of removing the toxins. Further, the body’s chronic elevated toxicity leads to chronic inflammation, which in turn leads to weight gain.

  • The Borrelia bacteria may cause damage to the thyroid, adrenals, and gut - which - if not functioning properly - all are underlying factors for weight gain.

In order to get into full remission from Lyme and its co-infections, as well as the stubborn weight gain, it is essential to remove the toxicities in the right order of operation while supporting the immune system. I highly recommend working with a practitioner that understands the complexity and symptoms of Lyme and its co-infections.

If you want finally answers if a tickborne illness is contributing to your health issues, I got you covered. The Vibrant Tickborne Panel is the ONLY test I use for Lyme Disease, as it offers the most comprehensive testing on the market and tests for 17 of these Lyme species, plus for co-infections such as Anaplasma, Babesia, Borrelia, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, and Rickettsia species. The test uses immune technology that tests for IgGs and IgMs combining it with the PCR to look for the genetic material of the organism. You can order it here.

How To Get Rid Of Lyme Disease! Lyme is one of the most misunderstood and mistreated diseases of modern times. Most physicians are not only untrained to identify, but also to address Lyme & Co properly. Learn how to tackle Lyme with my favorite supplements in this PDF.


Prices are in USD - please click on the document for a detailed description.


Babesia & Bartonella - Lyme’s Nasty Friends


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