“I feel like I’ve tried everything… I’m on the brink of giving up.”

I get it, you’ve been down the road of disappointment and frustration for YEARS—diet after diet, cleanse after cleanse, workout after workout, doctor after doctor… And you’re here, living every day with excruciating symptoms and stubborn fat that just. won’t. budge.

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Each strategy, medication and practitioner you’ve tried has promised ‘long-lasting relief’, yet your body clings onto the mystery pounds and your chronic symptoms persist…

  • Extreme Fatigue

  • Inflammation

  • Bloating and stomach pain

  • Brain fog and memory loss

  • Chronic pain

  • Extreme anxiety and depression

  • Diarrhea and constipation

  • PMS

  • Fluid retention

  • Severe rashes

  • Mood swings

  • Insomnia

  • Irregular/ heavy periods

  • Dry skin

  • Hair loss

  • Numbness in arms

  • No Libido

The women who come to me have experienced it all - they have pushed SO hard for answers and support, and with no results to show for it, they sit on the edge of giving in…

— Giving into the false belief of ‘this is just who you are’, and ‘there’s nothing else you can do’. 

— Giving into living the rest of their life in agony, and never experiencing contentment again. 

— Giving into disconnection and isolation.

They come to me as their last beacon of hope, and I ensure that this final push for progress, results in life-long transformation.


Here’s What Doctors And Practitioners Get Wrong…

❌ They run conventional labs that have insanely wide ranges and only test surface level markers, they overlook symptoms and claim many are ‘normal’ among women, and they fail to consider your family health history. This is why you’ve been told time and time again that you’re ‘normal’, and that your symptoms ‘are all in your head’. 

➡️ With my health participants, we conduct a comprehensive health history and run clinically correlated functional lab tests to uncover the root causes of your symptoms and stubborn fat. Utilizing both assessment strategies is essential as many root causes do not show up on lab work. Additionally, failure to consider in-depth health history is one of the reasons why practitioners fail to identify the ‘WHY’ behind their client’s symptoms. With me, no stone goes left unturned, and we work to understand the real reason behind your struggles. The reality is, if you feel like crap, something IS wrong and needs attention.

❌ Conventional doctors and other practitioners stop with bandaid solutions. They tell you to ‘eat less and move more’, ‘just go on ozempic’, ‘try not being so stressed’. This isn’t helpful advice, and when root causes are at play, these strategies will do absolutely nothing.

➡️ In my health programs, I work with my clients to create sustainable, holistic health protocols that tackle root causes head on, and work to fully reverse health obstacles FOR GOOD. This means implementing strategic dietary and lifestyle changes, supplementation, and biohacks in the right order of operations. No invasive procedures, no medications, no starving yourself or overexercising. We work on the REAL issues, at the RIGHT time, using the BEST strategies.

❌ The majority of women who come to me feel like they’re being left high and dry by their doctor every time they push for support. It takes weeks if not months to get an appointment, you feel rushed when you’re in the doctor’s office, you leave feeling like you didn’t gain any new information or support and there is no way to connect with your doctor in between appointments. This leaves you having to follow up and start this toxic cycle again.

➡️ This isn’t a thing with me… My top priority is to make sure my health participants feel informed, empowered and supported throughout their entire health and weight loss journey. Within my programs, there are multiple levels of support available, including a HIPAA-compliant communication channel with me. No question or concern goes unaddressed - you have access to me throughout your entire health journey.

❌ A one-size-fits-all approach is the standard in the conventional healthcare system. You are a number on a to-do list, your symptoms are boxes on a checklist, and the prescription you receive is a result of what boxes you check. There is no digging deeper, there is no personalization.

➡️ With my health participants, every aspect of their journey with me is unique to THEM. The labs we run, the protocols I recommend, the supplements they take, the biohacks they implement, the changes we make as they progress - everything is based on their specific health obstacles, health background and health goals. None of my health participants experience the exact same approach, and that is WHY they achieve significant transformation in such a short amount of time. This is also why there is no re-toxification, no struggling with the same obstacles over and over, and no short-term-only wins. 

My motto is: There is ALWAYS a reason behind your struggles.

Any practitioner who tells you the struggles you’re facing are not fixable are talking complete B.S. The right practitioner will take the time to listen to you and understand your unique needs, guide you through your health transformation step-by-step and will approach your case holistically.

Take it from my health participants

You may be feeling doubtful right now, questioning “Why is THIS time going to be any different?”, and I hear you, trust me. The women who come to me have struggled for 5-10 years, have seen 5+ doctors searching for answers, yet they have no results to show for it. It’s heartbreaking, and extremely difficult for them NOT to feel defeated.

But, I can guarantee you, the experience you’ve had thus far is both:

— NOT the experience you will have partnering with me.

— NOT the experience you deserve.

I have genuinely seen it all and know for a FACT that…

There ARE answers to your chronic symptoms and mystery weight and there ARE solutions. Whoever has told you otherwise on your journey thus far is not the practitioner who’s going to guide you into remission. I am your practitioner.

  • Kristen worked with countless Functional Doctors for 2+ years and was completely fed up with the healthcare system. She’d made little progress in improving her excruciating chronic symptoms and felt like she had nowhere else to turn. However, one month into our partnership, she’d lost 10 pounds, by month three, her five-year long-standing rash (that no doctor could resolve) completely vanished and by month seven, her skirt fell below her knees as her belly fat melted away.

  • Brittany suffered from chronic illness and extreme weight loss resistance for 10+ years and worked with renowned Lyme and Mold Specialists to tackle her health issues, yet her symptoms and struggles stood stagnant. She was PETRIFIED to invest in another practitioner considering her past, and was skeptical that any approach would lead to progress. Fast forward,

    Brittany's pants fell off (yes, she lost a whole size!) within only one month of working with me. Lumps and bumps on her legs mysteriously faded away. By month two, her health markers C4A (a marker that means your immune system is in overdrive) improved rapidly and dropped 800 points, from 1000 to 200. By Month 6 we celebrated 50lbs down, without any diet or exercise!

  • Lauren suffered for over 10 years from chronic Lyme Disease and Mold. She had a constant sunburn-like feeling on her legs, numbness in her arms, extreme fatigue, and constant tingling sensations in her body, and suddenly gained 30 pounds, which made her skin so tight it would rip. All of the doctors she saw were unable to help her and told her “It is what it is”. And yet, in just three months of working with me, she cast off 30 pounds of burden, banished the suffocating brain fog, and reclaimed her long-lost energy.

  • Paola worked for over 10 years with her endocrinologist to optimize her health and weight. Since her thyroid had been removed, she was put on medication, but it did not help her symptoms. We discovered that her doctor never ran a full thyroid panel and just masked the symptoms with medication. Simply working on her root causes, her brain fog, anal itching, and heart palpitations disappeared, and she was finally able to enjoy exercise and lose weight, by month six her thyroid markers went back to the optimal range and she said goodbye to her toxic doctor who was completely reluctant to acknowledge her progress.


Your path to thriving in


body starts here

Imagine a life where you don't just manage symptoms, but you overcome them. 

Imagine a life where you aren’t isolating yourself, fighting for answers with your doctors or feeling trapped in your body. 

I'm here to show you the path to freedom—freedom from food fear, insecurity, toxic practitioners, and the unshackling of your self-esteem.

The women I work with have seen at least 5-10 doctors and have tried everything under the sun to lose weight and overcome chronic symptoms (diets, lab testing, exercise regimes, medications, etc.). 

It isn't until they dive into my programs that they achieve sustainable and substantial results.