How To Speed up your Metabolism and drop stubborn pounds NOW

The word metabolism is often used to describe your basal metabolic rate, in other words, the number of calories you burn at rest. A higher resting metabolic rate helps you to burn more calories, makes it easier to lose weight, and keep it off. Moderate weight loss can lower your metabolism and decrease the number of calories that you burn at rest.


But metabolism is more than that! Metabolism at its core is your body using fuel like food to provide your body with the energy it needs to breathe, move, digest food, circulate blood, and repair damaged tissues and cells, to create necessary building blocks and to generate the energy required to run cellular processes.  Simply, your metabolism keeps your body alive and functioning.


It has previously been thought that a state of energy balance where energy input (nutrient intake) continually equals energy output (energy expenditure) is the only factor for maintaining a healthy body weight. It is true, that diet is a main contributing factor for weight gain or weight loss, but today we know that many more factors come into play when it comes to losing weight.


~ Under 7% of US adults have optimal cardiometabolic health! In other words, 13 out of 14 have suboptimal metabolic health - and the majority are unaware of it. ~


Optimal functional metabolic health goes beyond having a healthy body weight. In fact, diseases typically related to obesity are on the rise in people with normal body weight. Optimal metabolic health is defined as having ideal levels of 5 markers (find the optimal ranges in the PDF below):

blood sugar, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference - without the use of medications.

  • Glucose

  • Hemoglobin A1c

  • Triglycerides

  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol

  • Blood pressure 

  • Waist circumference

  • Ideal waist-to-height ratio


Out-of-range markers are directly associated with a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Do you depend on coffee to make it through the day? Or worse – even with coffee you’re crashing and are exhausted? Is your weight creeping up on you despite all the efforts with diet and exercise? Are you not able to keep up with your kids and social life, because you are exhausted all the time? If the answer is yes, your metabolism is compromised! The good news is, that an impaired metabolism can be optimized at any stage of life.


If your goal is to boost your fat-burning ability, have more energy so you can enjoy a social life, stamina throughout the day - without caffeine and sugar for energy, improved endurance during your workouts, a clearer mind so you can crush it at work—and ditch the stubborn pounds? Improving your metabolism is the way to go!


Symptoms of Poor Metabolic Health

  • Weight Gain

  • Weight Loss Resistance

  • Brain Fog

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • No Exercise Endurance

  • Balding

  • Erectile Dysfunction

  • Chronic Pain

  • Increased Appetite

  • Balding

  • Exhaustion

  • Difficulty in memory

  • Mood swings

  • Acne

  • Accelerated Aging

  • Infertility

  • Risk for chronic disease

  • Low Libido

  • Low immune system

  • Insulin Resistance

  • NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease), in other words: dysfunctional management of glucose and fat in the liver.


Since every cell type needs energy to function, the effects of metabolic dysfunction can be vast and diverse, subtle and overt.


Factors that affect your metabolism:

  • Age

  • Diet

  • Sex

  • Body composition

  • Health status

  • Hormones

  • Activity level

  • Pathogens

  • Toxins

  • Demographics


Why Is Metabolic Health Important?


Health Span vs. Lifespan

 While medical advances are helping us live longer, it often does not come with optimal life quality. Lifespan has exceeded health span, meaning although we are living longer, statistically, the last eight years of life are spent in pain and with severe health limitations. In fact, after age 30 most people start to see their health decline significantly!  


The good news is, studies have shown that even if your health is compromised, it is possible to get back on a better life span and have great health for a long time. If you don’t only want to live long, but a fulfilled pain-free life, the solution is to close the gap between lifespan and health span by improving your metabolism!


8 Essential Pillars for Good Metabolic Health:

  • A nutrient-dense diet

  • Food pairing

  • Daily Movement

  • Low Toxin Body Burden

  • Loving Relationships / Community

  • Stress Management

  • Restorative Sleep

  • Smart Supplementation

Consistent daily choices to support metabolic processes will result in improved metabolic fitness, or in other words, making the conversion of fat and glucose to energy more efficiently.


Good metabolic health means your body can digest and absorb nutrients from food with healthy, stable levels of blood sugar, blood fat, and insulin. Fluctuations in these levels are natural, but it’s important to avoid big spikes, which can contribute unfavorably to long-term health.


Causes For A Slow Metabolism

  • Maturing Fat Cells

  • Blood Sugar Spikes

  • Cellular Integrity

  • Starvation

  • Not Enough Calcium

  • Medications

  • Chronic Stress

  • Processed Foods

  • Excess Dietary Fat

  • Lack of Dietary Fat

  • Excess Sugar

  • Alcohol

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Lack of Exercise

  • Dehydration

  • Chronic Overeating

  • Being Sedentary

  • SIBO

  • Smoking


Maturing Fat Cells and Blood Sugar Spikes are two major contributors to slowing down metabolism, resulting in permanent weight gain. So let’s explore those further!


Maturing fat cells

Fat cells—or adipocytes—develop and accumulate throughout the body in a process known as adipogenesis.  There is a common misconception, that when we lose weight, we reduce the number of fat cells in our body. But this is not correct. During weight loss, we simply burn the fat stored within each cell, thus, making the fat cells smaller. During weight gain, each fat cell simply gets bigger. After puberty, the number of fat cells in the human body stays approximately the same. About 5–10% of fat cells die each year and get replaced.


Thus, in order to successfully reduce body-fat percentage, inhibiting fat cell growth is key. When fat cells are getting filled with fatty acids they inflate into large balloons (aka weight gain). Even as little as consistently consuming 100 extra calories per day can lead to fat gain. Consuming 100 extra calories every day leads to 500 excess calories by the end of one week, and can cause a 1-pound weight gain in two months.


What if I told you that there is a brand new supplement line, that - in preclinical trials - has shown to slow the growth of your fat cells so they stay small and are less likely to inflate like the balloons (=weight gain)? Grab the PDF below to get the details and get instant access to these supplements!


 Blood Sugar Spikes

 Blood sugar levels are one of the most significant markers of health and weight. Glucose is a primary precursor for energy in the body and needs to be tightly regulated for metabolism to work effectively.

Blood sugar levels naturally fluctuate, depending on a person’s food and activity patterns. Over time, both chronic high blood sugar levels and constant fluctuations trigger a significant stress response in the body and can lead to permanent negative health impacts on the whole body, such as poor cellular function. If you compare your body to a car: you would not slam on the gas and then brake hard either, as you know it will wear them down much faster, as if you’re driving it smoothly.


Most people naturally have post-meal blood glucose spikes or experience blood glucose dips if the time in-between meals are too long. These blood sugar crashes are what make you feel spacey or shaky. To get back into balance, the body craves the fastest source of energy – sugar - just to start the rollercoaster all over. With the body constantly trying to find balance between the highs and lows, intense sugar cravings arise, and weight loss becomes impossible. Smoothing out the spikes and dips in your blood glucose and insulin curves helps to optimize and sustain your energy levels throughout the day.

Since metabolism naturally slows with aging and may result in weight gain, you want to take action NOW to stop chronic weight gain. Learn about my top strategies that you can start implementing today to improve your metabolism! Reverse weight gain by getting instant access to a brand-new supplement line, that has been shown to inhibit the maturation of new adipose fat cells and the growth of existing fat cells!


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