Testimonial: Laura M, Germany
“When I sought I sought to work with Shalin, my health has been at my lowest point I’ve ever been. After several rounds of antibiotics to treat a streptococcus infection, I got sick all the time, suffered from frequent vaginal + herpes infections, a messed-up digestion, extreme hair loss, HORRIBLE PMS. I was in frequent fear to get sick again. Before finding Shalin, I worked with a naturopath, who got me a little bit better from time to time, but could not succeed in re-building my gut and immune system. I’ve found Shalin and her content on parasites on Social Media and could very much relate to the symptoms she described. I contacted her after some series of passing live pinworms, which I kept out of shame quiet about in our first consultation. Due to my German home base, she could not order blood work for me, but sent me off to my doctor to run specific markers. Once the results came back my regular doctor told me my “blood work looks normal”. After assessing the blood work, Shalins resume was different: leaky gut, gut dysbiosis, a chronic viral infection and parasites. I finally resigned passing live pinworms to her. Shalin explained the results of the blood work thoroughly to me and I was motivated to take action. She was upfront about the possible side effects. Throughout the process I passed an 15 inch tapeworm and we discovered the root cause for my returning pinworm infection: a bad root canal had leached bacteria into my body. Several weeks into the protocol my energy returned and I lost some stubborn pounds during the process. Now after 4 months of completing a tailored protocol I can say my immunity is back, my nails and hair is growing strong and I am suffering no longer from herpes or vaginal infections. I am very proud of myself that I’ve come so far - thanks to Shalin.”